Oil and Sunscreen

In 1982, the Great Tanning Culture dominated the United States, especially the west coast. Young and old people alike loved to engage in outdoor activities while also achieving a nice tan by using lotions like Hawaiian Tropic or Baby Oil. Tanning, to say the least, was in.

Two UCSB Founders Pictured, 1984.

However, in the last 40 years we have learned that repeated overtanning of the skin can lead to wrinkles and long term skin damage. While using oil feels great and makes you look amazing, it can have negative effects. So, how can you achieve the beautiful look that oil gives your skin but avoid the detrimental effects later in life?

Isla Vista, 2018

Our secret here at Baggin’ Rays is coconut oil. Using something that has natural SPF like coconut oil (SPF 4-8) makes it really easy to get golden, smooth skin. However, coconut is just a fruit (all naturall!), which means that it does not contain any of the unwanted ingredients that many manufactured oils contain.

What’s especially great about using coconut oil is that you can simply put on your sunscreen 10-15 minutes before going out, and then lather up (oil) when you start bathing.

Visit any of these links if you are interested in how coconut oil can not only help against sun damage, but also hydrate the skin, reduce inflammation, prevent sun damage, provide antioxidants, and keep you bronzer than you’ve ever been before! Truly amazing!

Wow. These Are Great Links. Oil me up!


Sunscreen is an essential part of life and is very helpful in protecting your skin. However, many people are unaware of the potential risks that come with misusing sunscreen.

Sun block has been around for thousands of years, and it is becoming more and more prevalent today as fears of skin cancer are increasing. While protection is very important, it is also very important to understand the difference between good and bad sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens that include ingredients like Avobenzone are extremely bad for you and can lead to negative health effects on your skin. Natural sunscreens that are environmentally friendly are much better for you than brands that contain chemicals.

Believe it or not, some sunscreens are so bad that they are killing our coral reefs! Here are two Coral Reef articles. Click this link to see how Hawaii even banned certain sunscreen ingredients due to the effects that it was having marine life around the island of Maui.

Make sure you check for the top 4 toxic ingredients!

  1. Oxybenzone
  2. Avobenzone
  3. Octinoxate
  4. Retinyl Palmitate
  5. Read these out loud… no wonder they are bad!
Courtesy of National Ocean Service, NOAA

Check out the following links if you want to learn how these dangerous chemicals can also be be bad for the human body!

Link #1 , Link #2 , Link #3 , Link #4.